
Celebrate Pride

Sk*p Culture

  • by Grace Connery
  • 3 min read

This month, we asked fellow skpsters and members of the LGBTQ+ community to share what Pride Month means to them and how they like to celebrate and reflect upon its true meaning.

As a non-gendered hair and bodycare brand that’s made for everyone, we embrace every color, skin type and sexual orientation. Our hope is that others will join us on this journey to spread more love and acceptance while continually striving to take care of our planet.

What does Pride Month mean to you?

“A celebration of how far we have come and where we are heading. Allowing and encouraging individuals in the queer community to express themselves and be who they are without anything getting in the way. Giving queer people the moment to shine and let it happen every day not for just one month.”

“Pride to me means I’m here and I’m here to stay and conquer the world no matter how I look or who I love or how I decide to live my life. It’s a message to the world that we are humans and have no labels! Like everyone else, all we want is to live our best lives and reach out goals & dreams.”
- Ricardo

“Coming together as a community to celebrate all that we have accomplished and show hope for future LGBTQ+ generations.”
- Aaron

“To me, pride month is a dedication to the LGBTQ+ community, highlighting our self-worth and confidence!”
- Tyrone


How do you celebrate Pride?

“Expressing myself through creativity and being myself. Showing the love I have for my partner and being involved with community events and organization.”
- Cameron

“One way I show my pride is by publicly showing love and affection to my husband every day.”
- Tyrone

“I show my pride every day of the year by learning from other members of the community and their own experiences in life, educating others to foster more understanding and respect, and loving myself and loving others with no judgement on who they love or how they identify.”
- Ricardo

“Through my confidence and self-expression. I’m not afraid to break the gender norms society puts on us, whether it be makeup, fashion, hobbies, etc.”
- Aaron


How do you respond to the non-supporters?

“At the end of the day, my pride in myself is never altered or broken by another person’s acceptance. Loving ourselves and radiating happiness is the greatest weapon we can use against the haters.”
- Aaron

“I respond by ignoring the negativity and excelling in life.”
- Tyrone

“Growing up for me was quite tough, especially in a family of all boys, in Australia, being a dancer, etc. It wasn’t the easiest to navigate. I believe everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but if it’s something I don’t agree with, then don’t come around me or expect me to align with your values. Stay in your own lane.”
- Cameron

“Ain’t nobody got time for that!”
- Ricardo

RICARDO (Rickey)

What kind of a world would you like to see in the future for the LGBTQ+ community?

“I hope that pride reaches all those smaller towns and cities so that everyone can celebrate who they are with no fear and can turn this world into a more colorful and fun place to live in.”
- Ricardo

“I’d imagine pride to look more alive! More smiling faces, more equality protests and more friendly pride events!”
- Tyrone

“One thing about our community is that we never give up and we only get stronger. In 25 years, I see an even more accepting and open-minded society.”
- Aaron


In reflecting on what it means to be part of the LBGTQ+ community, Mark Veeder, co-founder of sk*p and father of two daughters:

This is the question that has been asked of me so many times this month, and each time, my answer is the same Pride means Family!

I honor all LGBTQ trailblazers that have come before, whose dedication to the dream of equality was unwavering and their work toward making that a reality was tireless. Together we have pried open the floodgates of real change – change that has allowed me to fulfill my life-long dream of being married and having a family.

- Mark Veeder, Co-Founder of sk*p
